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This is a supplement to the bibliography published in American Ballads and Folk Songs (1934). The intention is to list the most important books and pamphlets of American folk songs which have been published since that date, together with a few of the most valuable articles which have appeared in the Journal of American Folk-Lore (JAFL) and the Southern Folklore Quarterly (SFQ). If space permitted, the list might be extended greatly by adding titles of choral and solo arrangements. The bibliographer is Harold W. Thompson of Cornell University, who has found these works useful in his courses in American folk literature, conducted at Cornell Uni­versity and at the New York College for Teachers at Albany.
Anderson, A. O., "Geography and Rhythm," University of Arizona Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 8. Tucson: University of Arizona, 1935.
Andrews, A. O., The Gift to Be Simfle: Songsy Dances and Rituals of the Ameri­can Shakers. New York: J. J. Augustin, 1940.
Barbeau, Marius, Folk-Songs of Old Quebec. National Museum of Canada, Bul­letin 75, Ottawa, 1936. Fifteen songs.
Barnes, R. A., / Hear America Singing. Philadelphia: J. C. Winston Co., 1937. Introduction by Carl Van Doren. Illustrations by Robert Lawson. No tunes, not all folk songs, but an attractive book for young people.
Barry, Phillips, Folk Music in America. Introduction by George Herzog. W.P.A., Federal Theatre Project, Publication No. 80S, June 1939. New York; National Service Bureau,
The most important essays by a great scholar, dating from 1909 to 1937, with a bibliography of Barry's writings.
Belden, H. M., Ballads and Songs Collected by the Missouri Folk-Lore Society ( Uni­versity of Missouri Studies} Vol. XV, No. 1). Columbia, Mo.: University of Mis­souri, 1940.
Wide range of songs, splendidly edited.
Blegen, T. C, and Ruud, M. B., Norwegian Emigrant Songs and Ballads. Min­neapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1937.
Boggs, R. S., Annual bibliographies of American Folklore in the SFQ, 2:43—48,
3:45our-singing-country - 0505.htm58, 4*23-50-Botkin, B. A., The American Play-Party Song, with a Collection of Oklahoma , Texts and Tunes. Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 1937.